Cancellation and Refund Policy

Our policy lasts 3 days. If 3 days have gone by since the delivery, unfortunately, we can’t offer you a replacement or refund.

We only refund or replace items if the item you received is defective, damaged or you got the wrong item. To be eligible for replacement/refund, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. It must also be in the original packaging.

* Products marked as “non-returnable” on the product page, are not eligible for a replacement or a refund.

* Free-size/one-size products are not eligible for return on a size-related complain.

* You can only raise one return request per product ordered. 

* Please attach clear images of the product with your return request. If the images provided are not of the product you ordered or are not clear, you return request may get refused.

* Please enter the correct email while filling the form below. If you type the wrong email, we will not be able to contact you.

We do not do reverse pickup for some products and hence the customer might need to pack and ship those items to us.

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